Like it or not, most of the value created by associations today is done online. It happens in your members-only area, where members create valuable new resources for your association through member-to-member interaction. Sharing experiences. Trading best practices. Offering advice and answering questions. But more and more of this collaboration is now happening outside of your members-only area, on public sites and active social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter).
To remain relevant to your members, you need a strategy that includes what you can nurture within your password protected areas and what is beyond your direct control. Building a world class collaboration center in your members-only area must be your first priority, followed closely by the roll out of new collaboration and community building management services. You need to systematically drive rewarding collaboration experiences for your members. Then you need to make sure your association’s interests are well represented in areas outside of your association’s virtual walls, whereever topics of interest and importance to your members are being discussed.
We have relevant experience helping associations retrofit their technology and management practices to adapt to this new reality.